Organic Certification

Control and Certification are the main services offered by CCPB srl. Pursuit of quality, accountability, and innovation are values that have always inspired and supported CCPB.
In this section it is possible to browse all types of services provided and have access to all data to start certification procedures.

CCPB has set up a special certification scheme for organic cosmetics.

The Production Standard for this scheme contains the minimum requirements for obtaining two types of product: organic cosmetics and cosmetics with organic ingredients, classed according to the raw material content originating from organic agriculture.

This scheme does not come within the scope of application of EC Reg. 834/07 therefore the standard is the result of a non-governmental initiative, having been put together by a work group comprising experts from companies and organisations operating in the cosmetics sector and it is equivalent to the most widely-used standards used at European level.

Companies intending to apply for cosmetic product certification are required to meet the requirements and fulfil the obligations set out in the Production Standard, to submit the appropriate Application for Certification, accompanied by the appendix and the other documents required, including the Inspection Plan , to sign the financial agreement CCPB arranges for you, to sign the Certification Contract , that implies acceptance of the clauses in the Certification Regulations and in its appendix.

When CCPB receives the above documents, they will be subjected to an assessment procedure and then an onsite inspection of the production sites will be arranged.

Following the inspection of the production sites, the relevant committee, whose members represent the parties involved in the certification process, with make a decision, and, if everything is in order, the committee will issue certification, and the company and the products in question will be added to the appropriate list.

The company will continue to be under the CCPB surveillance programme whose aim is to check that compliance with the Production Standard is being maintained.

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